31 January 2010

7 Weeks from Bataan - Sunday

Duration = 2:35:02
Distance = 8.50
Calories = 952
Max HR = 138
Avg HR = 122
Running Index = 45
Max Cadence = 90
Avg Cadence = 69

Sunday: long session
Equipment: Boots, wool boot socks, tights, jeans, t-shirt, long-sleeve liner, Gore-Tex running jacket, balaclava, wool cap, glove liners, gloves & backpack (33 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 slow walk
Main: 2:25:00 with HR in 125-135
Cool-down: 5:00 slow walk

Mostly cloudy with a light west wind and 20F temps. I went to a local park (Gallup Park in Ann Arbor, MI) and explored the trails that were available. I went down-stream and into another park (exploring the nature trails as I went) before turning around. I went to the other side of the river on the return trip when I got to that branch. I got back to the car with about a half-hour left, so I started up-stream for 15 minutes and then turned around.

I enjoyed the time and the various critters visible along this route (nothing as interesting as llamas today). The biggest problem I noted was keeping the pace up enough to keep my heart rate in the target range. I had a couple energy bars for fuel at the completion of each hour. No issues were noted from them. Once home, I found a couple things that require thought and adjustment. The first are blister on the knuckle of the big toe on my left foot and a very small blister on the Achilles tendon of the left foot. I expect most of this is do to not getting the boot tight enough which allowed it to move too much. The second was a bite from the strap for the HRM on my side where the loop is completed. This seems to be made worse by the strap for the backpack. I will see if the moving the attachment to the other side makes any difference. Also, I may try covering the joint with duct tape to see if that keeps the edges from digging in.

7 weeks to Bataan!

Lap    Time     Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:09:18.0 0:09:18.0 121 106 87 0.498 18:39
A 2. 0:17:41.6 0:08:23.6 129 119 112 0.500 16:47
A 3. 0:26:05.2 0:08:23.6 129 125 119 0.500 16:47
A 4. 0:34:31.3 0:08:26.1 134 126 119 0.501 16:50
A 5. 0:43:16.7 0:08:45.4 131 125 118 0.499 17:32
A 6. 0:52:06.8 0:08:50.1 126 121 117 0.499 17:41
A 7. 1:01:17.2 0:09:10.4 125 120 110 0.498 18:24
A 8. 1:15:50.2 0:14:33.0 135 113 95 0.498 20:11 (included a pause to check equipment)
A 9. 1:24:38.5 0:08:48.3 135 122 109 0.501 17:33
A 10. 1:33:15.2 0:08:36.7 136 124 113 0.499 17:14
A 11. 1:41:28.7 0:08:13.5 134 127 120 0.500 16:26
A 12. 1:50:00.6 0:08:31.9 136 124 115 0.501 17:02
A 13. 1:58:43.3 0:08:42.7 131 127 123 0.500 17:24
A 14. 2:07:28.8 0:08:45.5 129 125 116 0.499 17:32
A 15. 2:15:53.1 0:08:24.3 129 125 118 0.499 16:51
A 16. 2:24:14.6 0:08:21.5 131 126 122 0.501 16:41
9. 2:35:02.2 0:20:01.2 138 123 104 1.050 18:18

30 January 2010

7 Weeks from Bataan - Saturday

Duration = 40:10
Distance = 2.25
Calories = 262
Max HR = 136
Avg HR = 125
Max Cadence = 78
Avg Cadence = 68

Saturday: short session
Equipment: Boots, shorts, tech shirt, & backpack (32.5 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 30:00 with HR in 125-135 (Peak 3.6, finish 3.4)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 3.0, 2.5; 3:00 @ 2.0

Only an okay session. I was in a bit of a hurry, so I did the session on the treadmill. Nothing special and no issues. This was the last 40-minute session for this cycle. The short sessions increase to 45 minutes starting next week and continue until the taper for the March.

Lap    Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:09:12.0 0:09:12.0 126 112 83 0.499 18:26
A 2. 0:17:23.4 0:08:11.4 133 130 124 0.503 16:17
A 3. 0:25:42.3 0:08:18.9 136 132 130 0.502 16:34
A 4. 0:34:09.4 0:08:27.1 136 133 126 0.499 16:55
1. 0:40:09.8 0:40:09.8 136 125 83 2.254 17:47

29 January 2010

7 Weeks from Bataan - Friday

Duration = 1:05:16
Distance = 3.71
Calories = 429
Max HR = 137
Avg HR = 126
Running Index = 41
Max Cadence = 76
Avg Cadence = 67

Friday: mid-week sorta-long session
Equipment: Boots, shorts, tech shirt, & backpack (32.5 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 55:00 with HR in 125-135 (Peak 3.8, finish 3.5)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 3.0, 2.5; 3:00 @ 2.0

Still a day behind. I catch up on Sunday. I spent most of the session on the phone with my father. He is at a soaring convention.

This was another good session with no issues. The pack did its thing. I had to occasionally remember to straighten at the hips and lean forward at the ankles. I got an reduction in heart rate pretty quickly most of the time I did that.

I hope to get outside this weekend for my workouts. It is expected to be cold, but it shouldn't be worse than the day I ran the 10K right after New Years.

Lap    Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:09:15.3 0:09:15.3 125 102 80 0.498 18:36
A 2. 0:17:14.6 0:07:59.3 137 131 123 0.503 15:53
A 3. 0:25:52.8 0:08:38.2 135 128 118 0.502 17:12
A 4. 0:34:26.6 0:08:33.8 136 131 126 0.503 17:02
A 5. 0:43:02.3 0:08:35.7 135 130 126 0.501 17:09
A 6. 0:51:31.5 0:08:29.2 137 132 125 0.502 16:55
A 7. 1:00:01.0 0:08:29.5 135 132 129 0.503 16:53
1. 1:05:15.8 1:05:15.8 137 126 80 3.706 17:28

28 January 2010

7 Weeks from Bataan - Thursday

Duration = 40:10
Distance = 2.59
Calories = 271
Max HR = 138
Avg HR = 127
Running Index = 46
Max Cadence = 105
Avg Cadence = 87

Thursday: short, light session
Equipment: Nike Structure 12, shorts, & tech shirt

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 30:00 with HR in 125-135 (Peak 4.8, finish 4.0)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 3.5, 3.0, 2.5; 2:00 @ 2.0

Active recovery after the long hill yesterday. Good run. I started harder than last week, peaking at 4.8, and finished 4.0 which is a touch slower. Because I peaked faster, I actually ran less distance in the same time as last week.

Since I know how I progress during a run and I really don't want to have to back off as much, I will slow the ramp-up for this light run. After the walk, I will increase the speed to 4.0 mph. I will then increase the speed by .5 after each 1/4-mile until I am in the target range. Once in the range, I will follow the standard approach of reducing by .2 when I hit my limit. Hopefully, this will generate a more even run.

Lap    Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:08:34.3 0:08:34.3 128 108 77 0.500 17:08
A 2. 0:15:08.9 0:06:34.6 137 134 127 0.502 13:05
A 3. 0:22:14.3 0:07:05.4 138 135 133 0.504 14:04
A 4. 0:29:42.6 0:07:28.3 137 134 130 0.503 14:52
A 5. 0:37:56.4 0:08:13.8 137 132 116 0.505 16:17
1. 0:40:10.2 0:40:10.2 138 127 77 2.591 15:30

27 January 2010

7 Weeks from Bataan - Wednesday

Duration = 1:05:14
Distance = 2.83
Calories = 449
Max HR = 138
Avg HR = 129
Max Cadence = 70
Avg Cadence = 59

Wednesday: hill session
Equipment: Boots, shorts, tech shirt, & backpack (32.5 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 55:00 with 6% grade and HR in 125-135 (Peak 3.0, finish 2.5)
Cool-down: 1:00 @2.5; 4:00 @ 2.0

Yesterday turned into a rest day, so the hill moved to today. I had a good session. No issues other than the healing chafe locations from Sunday. Weight distribution in the pack was much better tonight. I seem to have recovered from the workout this weekend.

One thing I noted while shopping over the weekend: I saw a 20-pound bag of rice. This will easily fit in my pack. I have had a minor concern that the planned payload of rice and beans in sufficient weight would not fit in the pack. I'm pretty much sure that will not be a problem.

Lap    Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:09:43.3 0:09:43.3 137 117 91 0.500 19:26
A 2. 0:20:41.0 0:10:57.7 137 132 126 0.505 21:43
A 3. 0:32:33.4 0:11:52.4 138 132 122 0.500 23:25
A 4. 0:44:24.1 0:11:50.7 137 132 127 0.504 23:31
A 5. 0:56:13.9 0:11:49.8 136 133 127 0.493 23:58
1. 1:05:14.2 1:05:14.2 138 129 91 2.828 22:55

25 January 2010

7 Weeks from Bataan - Monday

Duration = 40:09
Distance = 2.20
Calories = 260
Max HR = 136
Avg HR = 125
Running Index = 40
Max Cadence = 76
Avg Cadence = 69

Monday: short session
Equipment: Boots, shorts, tech shirt, & backpack (32.5 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 30:00 with HR in 125-135 (Peak 3.8, finish 3.4)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 3.0, 2.5; 3:00 @ 2.0

A better session and a new lesson.

Left side isn't 100%, but is greatly improved from yesterday. I have fatigue, but no mechanical issues. The only thing remaining is a bit of a chafe from yesterday, but that is improving as well.

The new lesson relates to weight in the pack. I added a book, the 1999 edition of the National Electric Code (NEC), to what was already in the pack. This ended up between the battery and my back. The battery is heavier than the book as this moved its weight about 4-5 inches away from my back. This was quite noticeable during the session. I have swapped the locations of these two items. Anyone who uses a pack regularly knows that you want the weight of the pack as close to your body as possible. I have just been reminded of this. The good news here is that the proposed items, bags of rice and beans, should be easier to get arranged well than the training weights.

The last session before the March is 30 minutes on the day before. This will be with full pack weight to verify and correct the pack setup and loading.

Lap    Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:09:18.4 0:09:18.4 131 110 84 0.497 18:43
A 2. 0:17:36.1 0:08:17.7 136 133 129 0.503 16:29
A 3. 0:26:22.2 0:08:46.1 136 131 127 0.501 17:29
A 4. 0:35:07.5 0:08:45.3 135 131 128 0.498 17:34
1. 0:40:09.2 0:40:09.2 136 125 84 2.199 18:13

24 January 2010

8 Weeks from Bataan - Sunday

Duration = 2:15:38
Distance = 7.34
Calories = 927
Max HR = 137
Avg HR = 129
Max Cadence = 74
Avg Cadence = 66

Sunday: long session
Equipment: Boots, ABU Uniform, & backpack (26 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 125:00 with HR in 125-135 (Peak 3.3, finish 3.2)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 3.0, 2.5; 3:00 @ 2.0

To explain tonight's session, I have to mention yesterday's. Unfortunately, all I can really say is that I'm calling it "Plyometric Hell". The result is pain and stiffness in my left ankle and knee. This is the first issue on my left side more serious than a blister. As the activity was unit-directed, I didn't have the option to take a more prudent course.

Tonight, I started the session unsure if I would get anything useful accomplished at all. I really wanted to get the kingpin exercise of the week in, so I figured I would start and abort if any acute pain developed. I adjusted the pace down by ramping-up slowly from the slow walk at the start and picking a pace that was just into the MAF zone of 125-135. I got to 3.3 mph before I registered as in the target range. At one point I was near 130, so I dropped back to 3.2. That is where I stayed for the remainder of the session. I did a normal cool-down to finish.

As stated, I wasn't sure just how far I would get for the first 15-20 minutes. The left ankle was quite uncomfortable, but nothing sharp and no change during the stride. Eventually, it started to feel a bit better. Also, I got a touch of ITB-feel on the left at my knee for a moment or two but nothing persistent. On a good note, my right left felt string throughout so at least I didn't have any distraction as I monitored the left. When I finished the session the left ankle was still unhappy, but much better that when I started.

With the difficulty I was having, I decided to try a cold-water bath. This probably was far from ice-water as the tap here is very cold in winter. I drew a tub and submerged my legs and hips in the cold water. Ookkaayy, that was painful, but it did seem to help the ankle some more. I will keep this elevated tonight and take an extra walk at work tomorrow and see how things go.

8 Week to go (I hope I make it).

Lap    Time     Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:09:33.1 0:09:33.1 126 116 95 0.499 19:08
A 2. 0:18:36.3 0:09:03.2 129 125 121 0.501 18:04
A 3. 0:27:37.6 0:09:01.3 131 127 122 0.501 17:59
A 4. 0:36:37.5 0:08:59.9 137 130 125 0.502 17:56
A 5. 0:45:40.5 0:09:03.0 135 131 127 0.502 18:00
A 6. 0:54:41.0 0:09:00.5 133 130 124 0.501 17:58
A 7. 1:03:44.5 0:09:03.5 135 131 129 0.501 18:04
A 8. 1:12:45.9 0:09:01.4 135 132 128 0.502 17:59
A 9. 1:21:49.4 0:09:03.5 133 131 128 0.501 18:05
A 10. 1:30:53.8 0:09:04.4 134 131 125 0.500 18:07
A 11. 1:39:59.5 0:09:05.7 134 131 126 0.500 18:10
A 12. 1:49:18.2 0:09:18.7 134 130 122 0.498 18:21
A 13. 1:58:38.8 0:09:20.6 135 130 126 0.500 18:40
A 14. 2:07:58.7 0:09:19.9 133 129 127 0.502 18:35
1. 2:15:37.8 2:15:37.8 137 129 95 7.335 18:27

21 January 2010

8 Weeks from Bataan - Thursday

Duration = 1:00:14
Distance = 3.41
Calories = 403
Max HR = 137
Avg HR = 127
Running Index = 41
Max Cadence = 98
Avg Cadence = 69

Thursday: mid-week, sorta-long session
Equipment: Boots, shorts, tech shirt, & backpack (26.5 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 50:00 with HR in 125-135 (Peak 4.0; finish 3.5)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 3.0, 2.5; 3:00 @ 2.0

Another good session. The first 35 minutes today covered the same distance as the first 35 minutes last Friday. The pack today is 5 pounds heavier and I still had 20 minutes to go before the cool-down. I even ran at 4.0 for a minute. I may cap my speed at 3.8 on the treadmill while wearing the pack for the rest of this cycle as I really don't expect to run any during the March.

One thing I'm having to curb is my desire to push the plan. I want to up the weight in the pack mostly, but sometimes I want to increase the length of the sessions. I designed a plan that I thought was as aggressive as I could realistically expect to complete without significant injury risk. Most of the increase in weekly volume is in the long run. After that is the two mid-week sorta-long runs. I have a step-back week where I increase the three short days from 40 to 45. This peaks with a long run of 4 hours, sorta longs of 90 minutes, and 45-minute short sessions, all at full pack weight of 50 pounds. This will have me short on miles, but otherwise as prepared as I can be. I figure what I would have gained with a longer cycle would be a bit more strength for the climb and a bit more speed overall.

Lap    Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:09:13.4 0:09:13.4 134 105 84 0.497 18:23
A 2. 0:17:12.9 0:07:59.5 137 132 127 0.503 15:54
A 3. 0:25:29.3 0:08:16.4 135 133 128 0.502 16:28
A 4. 0:34:07.3 0:08:38.0 136 132 126 0.502 17:12
A 5. 0:42:50.3 0:08:43.0 135 132 124 0.503 17:19
A 6. 0:51:31.8 0:08:41.5 136 132 128 0.502 17:19
1. 1:00:13.9 1:00:13.9 137 127 84 3.409 17:34

20 January 2010

8 Weeks from Bataan - Wednesday

Duration = 40:08
Distance = 2.64
Calories = 266
Max HR = 137
Avg HR = 126
Running Index = 47
Max Cadence = 103
Avg Cadence = 88

Wednesday: short session
Equipment: Nike Structure 12, shorts, tech shirt

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 30:00 with HR in 125-135 (Peak 4.5; finish 4.1)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0

Short light weight session after the hills yesterday. After the walk at the start, I started running at 4.0 mph. I held that for 1/4-mile, then I increased to 4.5. This left me in my target range. I didn't have to back down for over four minutes. I held 4.4 for over 5 minutes. I was still over 4 mph when I reached the end of the stress phase of this session. Normal cool-down sequence starting at 4.0 and dropping .5 after each minute. I really like this quick session after the trudge up the hill.

Lap    Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:08:46.3 0:08:46.3 122 104 76 0.498 17:37
A 2. 0:15:34.0 0:06:47.7 136 131 121 0.500 13:34
A 3. 0:22:30.7 0:06:56.7 136 134 132 0.502 13:49
A 4. 0:29:38.1 0:07:07.4 136 134 127 0.502 14:11
A 5. 0:37:02.7 0:07:24.6 137 134 126 0.501 14:47
1. 0:40:07.8 0:40:07.8 137 126 76 2.636 15:12

19 January 2010

8 Weeks from Bataan - Tuesday

Duration = 1:00:13
Distance = 2.87
Calories = 400
Max HR = 138
Avg HR = 126
Max Cadence = 74
Avg Cadence = 64

Tuesday: Treadmill Hill session
Equipment: Boots, shorts, tech shirt, & backpack (26.5 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 50:00 with HR in 125-135 w/6% grade (3.0 peak; 2.6 finish)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 2.6, 2.5; 3:00 @ 2.0

I wanted to see what difference it would make if I didn't increase the speed beyond 3.0 mph during the 6% hill session. I still didn't want to exceed the 136 limit and I was mostly successful there. Comparing to the Thursday hill session last week I actually went further at 55:00 ( the point where I started slowing last week) today with a heavier pack. I think the take-away on this is that I should reign in my speed on the climb during the March. Not that this is any real surprise, it is nice to see that in the data.

Another thing that I noted during this session had to do with posture and form. I caught myself bending forward at the waist in response to the grade and the pack weight. When I noticed, I would straighten up and pivot at my ankles. There was a slight reduction in heart rate and perceived effort. Another thing that should be no surprise, but is good to have noticed. I think I was being more consistent here by the end of today's session. I am going to include a "hill" workout on Tuesday going forward through the March.

Lap    Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:09:51.1 0:09:51.1 125 108 82 0.500 19:43
A 2. 0:19:37.9 0:09:46.8 133 128 121 0.501 19:31
A 3. 0:29:48.6 0:10:10.7 136 132 125 0.502 20:16
A 4. 0:40:16.8 0:10:28.2 135 131 124 0.503 20:48
A 5. 0:51:12.4 0:10:55.6 137 133 130 0.503 21:44
1. 1:00:13.4 1:00:13.4 138 126 82 2.874 20:56

18 January 2010

8 Weeks from Bataan - Monday

Duration = 48:08
Distance = 2.65
Calories = 307
Max HR = 136
Avg HR = 124
Max Cadence = 76
Avg Cadence = 68

Monday: short session
Equipment: Boots, tights, jeans, UA Cold Gear, LS t-shirt, balaclava, gloves & backpack (26.5 lbs)

Conditions; 32F, light wind, cloudy

Warm-up: Walk to local park, ~5:00
Main: 30:00 walk with HR in 125-135 range (that was the plan, actually 38:00)
Cool-down: Walk home from park, ~5:00

The plan was to add another 4 pounds to the pack to bring it up to 25. When I weighed it, I got 26.5. Since I added 2 2-pound ankle weights to pocket and I got 21 pounds last week, I thought that would do it. I'm going to go with the vagaries of the scale I used and leave it as it is.

Got going early enough to walk outside today. Other than some patches of ice, the walk went well. The hardest thing I had was keeping my heart rate from falling below my target range. This is reflected in my average. Since I was feeling good, I decided to see how long my "standard" loop of the park would take. I think this will be good for the short sessions through the March. I plan to go to 45 minutes as my target for them next month. I figure one lap outside is close enough. As I will continue to increase weight, I don't expect this to get much faster.

Lap    Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile 
A 1. 0:09:09.1 0:09:09.1 127 115 102 0.498 18:13
A 2. 0:17:46.8 0:08:37.7 132 128 122 0.504 17:06
A 3. 0:26:55.5 0:09:08.7 135 127 119 0.500 18:18
A 4. 0:36:25.1 0:09:29.6 136 127 120 0.500 18:58
A 5. 0:45:19.2 0:08:54.1 133 127 112 0.499 17:20
1. 0:48:08.2 0:48:08.2 136 124 102 2.644 18:03

17 January 2010

9 Weeks from Bataan - Sunday

Duration = 1:55:27
Distance = 6.41
Calories = 783
Max HR = 136
Avg HR = 128
Max Cadence = 74
Avg Cadence = 67

Sunday: Long session
Equipment: Boots, jeans, t-shirt, & backpack (21 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 1:45:00 with HR in 125-135 (peak 3.4; finish 3.3)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 3.0, 2.5; 3:00 @ 2.0

Longest session with the backpack to date. Still no significant issues with the pack. There is a balance with tight enough to limit motion and too tight (can show as a hot spot on my shoulder at the base of my neck). I'm feeling better about possible paces for the March. Tonight, 3.3 yielded a stable heart rate under my MAF. When I bump the speed to 3.4, heart rate hits the 136 limit I'm enforcing and I drop back to 3.3. I will be looking at where this stable point develops as I increase the pack weight.

Speaking of weight, my current weight is the lowest in the last 6 months and is trending in the correct direction. I'm currently losing about 1/2 to 1 pound/week. This is a good rate.

I was planning on doing this outside, but I ran out of daylight. This led to a new data point on my treadmill: When it rolls over at 99:59, it stops. Continuing is just a matter of hitting Start again. The distance and calories are retained and continue to advance after the re-Start.

9 weeks to go.

Lap     Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:09:31.5 0:09:31.5 123 108 86 0.499 19:05
A 2. 0:17:59.5 0:08:28.0 135 127 123 0.502 16:52
A 3. 0:26:29.7 0:08:30.2 136 133 129 0.502 16:56
A 4. 0:35:24.8 0:08:55.1 135 130 123 0.501 17:47
A 5. 0:44:16.0 0:08:51.2 136 131 127 0.503 17:36
A 6. 0:53:08.1 0:08:52.1 134 131 127 0.503 17:37
A 7. 1:02:02.7 0:08:54.6 134 130 127 0.502 17:45
A 8. 1:11:01.9 0:08:59.2 132 129 123 0.502 17:53
A 9. 1:19:59.1 0:08:57.2 132 129 126 0.501 17:51
A 10. 1:28:56.1 0:08:57.0 133 130 122 0.500 17:53
A 11. 1:37:52.1 0:08:56.0 134 130 123 0.502 17:47
A 12. 1:46:48.1 0:08:56.0 136 131 125 0.500 17:42
1. 1:55:27.0 1:55:27.0 136 128 86 6.405 18:00

15 January 2010

9 Weeks from Bataan - Friday

Duration = 40:08
Distance = 2.27
Calories = 265
Max HR = 137
Avg HR = 126
Running Index = 41
Max Cadence = 96
Avg Cadence = 70

Friday: short session
Equipment: Boots, shorts, tech shirt, & backpack (21 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 30:00 with HR in 125-135 (Peak 4.0; finish 3.4)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 3.0, 2.5; 3:00 @ 2.0

Standard short run on the treadmill. Pushed the pace a bit after the warm-up walk until HR forced me to slow. Overall, it was a fairly good session. I need to spend some quality time with the pack to learn more about the many adjustments possible to see if I can keep it better attached to my back. Good news is that there are no pack related hot spots at this time. I will need to be very careful with the boots and the socks. The boots are a good fit, but I will need to be sure to get the lacing right. Currently, the boots are a touch loose. Also, I need to remember to wear the better socks with the boots. The slight looseness and the thin socks allow the left boot to move enough to rub a small blister on the skin over the Achilles tendon.

Lap    Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:08:55.2 0:08:55.2 135 115 94 0.498 17:54
A 2. 0:17:02.4 0:08:07.2 135 132 128 0.502 16:10
A 3. 0:25:25.0 0:08:22.6 137 133 127 0.503 16:38
A 4. 0:34:01.5 0:08:36.5 135 131 129 0.499 17:14
1. 0:40:08.2 0:40:08.2 137 126 94 2.267 17:40

14 January 2010

9 Weeks from Bataan - Thursday

Duration = 55:13
Distance = 2.61
Calories = 363
Max HR = 136
Avg HR = 126
Max Cadence = 75
Avg Cadence = 61

Thursday: hill session
Equipment: Boots, shorts, tech shirt, & backpack (21 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 45:00 with HR in 125-135 w/6% grade (Peak 3.3; finish 2.6)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 2.6, 2.5; 3:00 @ 2.0

Probably won't do two hill sessions in the same week again. I wanted to see what the 6% would do. After the warm-up, I increased the grade to 6%. After each minute, I increased the speed by .1 mph. At 3.3, I was just into the 125-136 range. By then end, I had reduced speed to 2.6 to stay under 136. The first minute of the cool-down was 2.6 with the grade back at the minimum, 1.5%. Next time, I will stay with 3.0 and see how the heart rate reacts. Next month, I will do one hill session where I allow the heart rate to climb.

Lap    Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:09:49.1 0:09:49.1 130 111 84 0.500 19:37
A 2. 0:19:22.1 0:09:33.0 136 133 129 0.503 18:58
A 3. 0:29:45.7 0:10:23.6 136 130 127 0.502 20:41
A 4. 0:40:37.6 0:10:51.9 136 131 124 0.503 21:35
A 5. 0:52:04.4 0:11:26.8 132 128 116 0.502 22:47
1. 0:55:13.0 0:55:13.0 136 126 84 2.614 21:04

13 January 2010

9 Weeks from Bataan - Wednesday

Duration = 40:09
Distance = 2.63
Calories = 251
Max HR = 136
Avg HR = 122
Running Index = 48
Max Cadence = 99
Avg Cadence = 85

Wednesday: short session
Equipment: Asics, shorts, & tech shirt

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 30:00 with HR in 125-135 (mostly >4.0; peak 4.4)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0

Tonight, I decided to just run. No backpack. No boots. I wore the lightest shoes I have: Asics Gel-Cumulus 9s. I walked for 5 minutes at 3.0 mph. I then started a slow ramp of .2 mph per minute. When I got to 4.4 at 11:00, I decided to stay there. I had not yet hit my limit, but was well into the 125-135 target range. I didn't hit 136 until 10 minutes later. For the rest of the session, I dropped .1 mph when I hit 136. At 35:00, I was still at 4.1. I started my cool-down at 4.0 and reduced by .5 per minute down to 2.0.

I am very happy with this session and feel great. This is faster than any session since November with the exception of the two 10Ks. While not quite a MAF test, it does demonstrate that improvement has occurred.

Lap    Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:09:08.4 0:09:08.4 110 97 78 0.497 18:22
A 2. 0:16:04.6 0:06:56.2 130 125 110 0.501 13:51
A 3. 0:22:52.7 0:06:48.1 136 133 128 0.502 13:32
A 4. 0:29:53.7 0:07:01.0 136 133 128 0.502 13:59
A 5. 0:37:14.5 0:07:20.8 136 133 119 0.503 14:36
1. 0:40:08.9 0:40:08.9 136 122 78 2.625 15:16

12 January 2010

9 Weeks from Bataan - Tuesday

Duration = 55:12
Distance = 2.71
Calories = 380
Max HR = 136
Avg HR = 129
Max Cadence = 70
Avg Cadence = 62

Tuesday: sorta long hill session
Equipment: Boots, ABU Uniform, & backpack (21 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 45:00 with HR in 125-135 (3.0 mph w/3.0% grade; peak 4.5%)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 3.0, 2.5; 3:00 @ 2.0

I did the entire session at 3.0 mph until the cool-down. After the warm-up and instead of increasing the speed, I increased the grade. The first minute after warm-up was 3.0%. This was followed with 4.5% until I hit my session HR limit of 136. I reduced grade to 4.0% and then 3.5%. Just under half the main section was at 3.5%. I reduced the grade to the 1.5% minimum of my treadmill for the normal cool-down sequence.

I had hoped to get to 6%, but my heart rate responded fairly quickly to the 4.5%, so I stayed with that. I will do a session with 6% to get an idea of how much that is going to slow me up.

Lap    Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile 
A 1. 0:09:48.8 0:09:48.8 134 120 102 0.500 19:37
A 2. 0:19:39.9 0:09:51.1 135 132 125 0.503 19:36
A 3. 0:29:38.0 0:09:58.1 136 133 127 0.501 19:54
A 4. 0:39:37.9 0:09:59.9 136 133 129 0.501 19:57
A 5. 0:49:37.7 0:09:59.8 134 131 127 0.498 20:03
1. 0:55:12.0 0:55:12.0 136 129 102 2.707 20:18
I did a full weigh-in to determine what the various items I have weigh.
Runner = 169.5
+ ABU Uniform = 173.5 (4 pounds from head to toe; no boots, keys, coins, or wallets)
+ Boots = 176.5 (3 pounds)
+ Pack = 196.5 (21 pounds, I added padding around the battery)

I lost 1 pound in 55 minutes of exercise in ~68F and somewhat dry conditions. This is another item I will need to keep an eye on. Finally, no issues or hot spots noted. If I get through a long session clean, I'll feel better. The 4 hour session will include full uniform and pack, 6% grade (at least in part), and all items and full water load to start.

11 January 2010

9 Weeks from Bataan - Monday

Duration = 40:05
Distance = 2.25
Calories = 263
Max HR = 138
Avg HR = 126
Running Index = 41
Max Cadence = 75
Avg Cadence = 67

Monday: short session
Equipment: Boots, shorts, tech shirt, & backpack (20 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 30:00 with HR in 125-135 (peak 3.7; finished at 3.3)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 3.0, 2.5; 3:00 @ 2.0

Another bump in pack weight and a bit slower on the pace. Sunday, I will have to compare the final pace/speed to the finishing pace/speed from last Wednesday. I'm currently using the portable battery I use with portable radios or the portable telescope to add weight to the pack. I need to add some padding to the floor of the pack to protect it from the battery. The current load is denser than the load the pack was designed to carry.

Lap    Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile  
A 1. 0:09:02.5 0:09:02.5 134 112 90 0.498 18:10
A 2. 0:17:07.4 0:08:04.9 138 134 129 0.504 16:03
A 3. 0:25:35.4 0:08:28.0 136 132 128 0.501 16:54
A 4. 0:34:15.1 0:08:39.7 133 130 128 0.499 17:22
1. 0:40:08.2 0:40:08.2 138 126 90 2.246 17:50

09 January 2010

10 Weeks from Bataan - Saturday

Duration = 50:30
Distance = 2.84
Calories = 336
Max HR = 139
Avg HR = 126
Running Index = 40
Max Cadence = 97
Avg Cadence = 73

Saturday: Rescheduled sorta-long run
Equipment: Merrills, shorts, & tech shirt

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 40:00 with HR in 125-135 (mostly 3.7-3.8; peak 4.0)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, then 2:00 @ 2.0

Great session. Only real issue was the HRM not properly recording my stride while running. It seemed to do better with a walking gait.

Lap   Time       Lap Time  Max Avg Min  Dist min/mile
A 1. 0:09:40.8 0:09:40.8 128 104 82 0.497 18:48
A 2. 0:17:18.8 0:07:38.0 138 132 127 0.500 15:15
A 3. 0:25:26.6 0:08:07.8 139 136 131 0.501 16:13
A 4. 0:34:03.7 0:08:37.1 139 135 129 0.501 17:11
A 5. 0:42:49.0 0:08:45.3 138 134 129 0.499 17:32
1. 0:50:29.6 0:50:29.6 139 126 82 2.837 17:23

08 January 2010

10 Weeks from Bataan - Friday

Duration = 40:20
Distance = 2.32
Calories = 259
Max HR = 144 (might be instrument glitch)
Avg HR = 124
Running Index = 43
Max Cadence = 97
Avg Cadence = 80

Friday: short run
Equipment: Merrills, shorts, & tech shirt

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 30:00 with HR in 125-135 (mostly 3.7-3.8; peak 4.0)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, then 2:00 @ 2.0

Travelling in Atlanta this weekend. Found the fitness center for the hotel. Quick run before dinner.

Atlanta has the same temperature as Detroit but not as much snow.

Lap   Time      Lap Time Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile 
A 1. 0:09:06.6 0:09:06.6 129 105 66 0.497 17:58
A 2. 0:16:36.9 0:07:30.3 144 130 120 0.501 14:58
A 3. 0:24:25.3 0:07:48.4 137 132 128 0.502 15:33
A 4. 0:32:48.9 0:08:23.6 137 133 130 0.502 16:42
1. 0:40:20.3 0:40:20.3 144 124 66 2.322 16:45
The manual lap at the end of the run starts at the beginning of the session, not the most recent automatic lap. I'll have to see if there isn't an easy way to get the data for the partial interval. But that is a task for another day.

The only issue today was minor chafing from my underwear.

06 January 2010

10 Weeks from Bataan - Wednesday

Duration = 1:35:22
Distance = 5.53
Calories = 633
Max HR = 137
Avg HR = 126
Running Index = 43
Max Cadence = 92
Avg Cadence = 70

Wednesday: long "run" moved to mid-week
Equipment: Boots, shorts, tech shirt, & backpack (16.5 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 85:00 with HR in 125-135 (mostly 3.4-3.5; peak 4.0)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 3.0, 2.5, then 3:00 @ 2.0

Kingpin session moved to mid-week to be sure it gets done. This is the longest I've gone with this backpack. I'm going to start doing these sessions in the target utility uniform to check, and address, hot spots or other issues. After this session, I noted a possible proto-blister on the toe next to the big toe on the left foot and slight impressions from the straps at the base of my neck. I will have to see if adjusting the straps somewhat will reduce this. Also, the utility uniform might offer better protection than the tech shirt. I may also try some Body Glide, but I still have time to make small changes so I will know which is the right answer.
Just before I finished, I got a minor side stitch.

Data (auto-lap now working):

Lap     Time     Lap Time  Max  Avg  Min  Dist  min/mile
1. 0:09:25.6 0:09:25.6 133 105 82 0.499 18:54
2. 0:17:21.3 0:07:55.7 137 132 124 0.503 15:46
3. 0:25:43.0 0:08:21.7 134 130 126 0.501 16:41
4. 0:34:09.1 0:08:26.1 136 131 125 0.503 16:45
5. 0:42:48.2 0:08:39.1 132 127 124 0.503 17:12
6. 0:51:17.4 0:08:29.2 132 128 122 0.502 16:53
7. 0:59:40.8 0:08:23.4 133 130 127 0.503 16:41
8. 1:08:07.4 0:08:26.6 132 130 122 0.502 16:48
9. 1:16:32.7 0:08:25.3 131 129 126 0.502 16:45
10. 1:24:58.3 0:08:25.6 134 130 127 0.504 16:44
11. 1:35:12.8 0:10:14.5 131 124 111 0.505 20:06
12. 1:35:22.1 0:00:09.3 112 111 110 0.004 38:45

05 January 2010

10 Weeks from Bataan - Tuesday

Duration = 50:11
Distance = 2.83
Calories = 324
Max HR = 136
Avg HR = 124
Running Index = 42
Max Cadence = 76
Avg Cadence = 69

Tuesday: longer midweek session
Equipment: Boots, shorts, tech shirt, & backpack (16.5 lbs)

Warm-up: 5:00 @ 3.0 mph
Main: 40:00 with HR in 125-135 (mostly 3.5; peak 3.9)
Cool-down: 1:00 each 3.0, 2.5; 3:00 @ 2.0

I added the pack tonight mostly on a whim. I had spent a bit of time getting the weight about right. I'm adding about 4 pounds each week. After getting the weight right, I spent time adjusting the waist belt and shoulder and chest straps. Since I was already wearing it, I figured I'd go ahead and do the session that way. I'm glad I did. I need more time getting used to carrying the weight. This will likely drag my pace down as I add weight.

I wasn't sure about making the distance about halfway through, but then things felt better. Now, I feel great.

Data (I forgot to set the auto-lap feature):

Lap Time Lap Time Max Avg Min Dist min/mile
1. 0:17:20.9 0:17:20.9 136 120 90 0.993 17:28
2. 0:34:19.6 0:16:58.7 136 130 123 1.015 16:43
3. 0:50:10.7 0:15:51.1 131 124 106 0.824 19:14

04 January 2010

Treadmill Monday 10 Weeks from Bataan

Duration = 40:08
Distance = 2.40
Calories = 272
Max HR = 136
Avg HR = 128
Running Index = 42
Max Cadence = 95
Avg Cadence = 73

Different warm up than normal, I started with 5 minutes at 3.5 then ramped up to get in the 130-135 range. I briefly jogged at 4.0 mph before I hit my limit and returned to walking in the 3.6-3.8 mph range. Normal cool-down from 3.5 to 2.0 over 4 minutes.

I feel great after finishing this session.

Split Data:
Lap    Time    Lap Time   Max  Avg  Min  Dist  min/mile
1. 0:08:16.7 0:08:16.7 134 116 82 0.494 16:44
2. 0:16:09.1 0:07:52.4 136 132 129 0.497 15:49
3. 0:24:20.9 0:08:11.8 135 132 127 0.501 16:20
4. 0:32:34.6 0:08:13.7 136 133 123 0.503 16:21
5. 0:40:08.0 0:07:33.4 135 128 114 0.403 18:49

03 January 2010

Treadmill Recovery

Duration = 40:08
Distance = 2.54
Calories = 272
Max HR = 136
Avg HR = 128
Running Index = 45
Max Cadence = 103
Avg Cadence = 77

Sunday is usually my long run day, but, because of the race yesterday, I swapped in a 40 minute session from earlier in the week. What I've been doing with the treadmill sessions is start at 4.0 and keep that up until my heart rate hits my 136 bpm limit and drop the speed by .2 mph. I probably should have started with a 3.5 walk and bumped it up until I was in the target range to make this a true recovery.

I hit the limit at 12:10 and dropped to 3.8. I hit the limit again at 23:25, and dropped to 3.7. I stayed there until 36:00. My cool-down on the treadmill is "drop to first .5/.0 speed, then drop .5 each minute to 2.0, then stay at 2.0 until my heart rate is under 120 (minimum of 1 minute)". Today that was 3.5 -> 3.0 -> 2.5 -> 2.0 and I finished at the end of the first 2.0 minute at 111 bpm.

I may need to step the RS800CX to auto-lap at half miles, but I'm currently using manual laps at the mile. Again, I may start setting manual laps at half miles. We'll see next week if I can remember to do that.

Today's data:
Lap   Time  Lap Time Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile 
1. 15:11.8 15:11.8 136 127 104 1.013 15:00
2. 31:16.3 16:04.5 136 131 121 1.027 15:39
3. 40:08.3 08:52.0 133 126 110 0.496 17:46

02 January 2010

2009-10 Reese Winter Race Series 10K #2

Duration = 1:03:03
Distance = 6.71 (total reported by Polar)
Calories = 745
Max HR = 191
Avg HR = 175
Running Index = 45
Max Cadence = 103
Avg Cadence = 96

Today was the second on the winter racing series I'm participating in. Conditions were 10F with a 15 mph wind from the north and sunny, clear, blue, skies.

These are the lap times and heart race data:
Lap   Time    Lap Time  Max Avg Min Dist  min/mile
1. 0:09:47.7 0:09:47.7 173 164 110 1.054 9:17
2. 0:19:48.5 0:10:00.8 177 173 166 1.071 9:21
3. 0:29:56.4 0:10:07.9 184 177 171 1.070 9:28
4. 0:40:53.6 0:10:57.2 180 175 168 1.141 9:36
5. 0:51:19.9 0:10:26.3 179 176 172 1.090 9:30
6. 1:00:54.1 0:09:34.2 189 181 173 1.050 9:06
7. 1:03:02.6 0:02:08.5 191 188 184 0.232 9:24
The laps are marked at the posted mile markers. There was ice on the ground, and I am sure that some of the extra distance is finding a suitable surface. Miles 3 and 6 were mostly into the wind. The final piece involved dodging significant ice which is why I finished slower than the last full mile. There seems be some impact on the foot pod due to the temperature.

I was wearing a different pair of shoes than last month and I feel better. Equipment was Nike Structure 12s, WrightSocks Running, tights, shorts, Under Armor Cold Gear top, tech top, Gortex windbreaker, balaclava, wool cap, and sunglasses. I was also wearing a Polar monitor with foot and GPS sensor. The GPS battery suffered from the cold. I'll have to try a lithium battery for cold running and see if that works better. Since I lost GPS during the run, I can't cross-check the reported the distance against the recorded track.

I am happier with the pacing. I resisted the urge to start too fast. I went out at 7:30/mile last month. I didn't do as well as last month by my watch, but the weather was definitely a factor and I feel I ran a better race. I have no indication of the calf issues I had last month. Slight ITB indications on the right in the second half of the run, but these are much better later in the day. A foam roller is on my buy list.

01 January 2010

A New Year and a New Start

I've allowed this to fall fallow and my training has suffered as well. With the new year, I will make a renewed effort to keep this up and to train consistently.

Finishing up 2009:
  • I do walk occasionally at work. I will likely do more of this in the new year, but I will also likely not report it with its own entry.
  • On the 15th of December, I started seriously training again. I am now in my third week of this.
  • With my final weigh-in, I am 6 pounds lighter than at the start of 2009.
Goals for 2010:

Not So Crazy Goals

Crazy Goals
  • Lose 25 lbs (145 lbs)
  • Sub 4-hour Marathon
  • Sub 2-hour Half
  • Sub 50-minute 10K
  • Sub 25-minute 5K

Really Crazy Goals [I don't expect to get these in 2010, but they are out there for direction]
  • Qualify for the Boston Marathon (sub 3-1/2 hour marathon)
  • Sub 40-minute 10K
  • Sub 20-minute 5K
Races currently in the plan:
  • Reese Winter Race Series 10K (Jan)
  • Reese Winter Race Series 10K (Mar)
  • Bataan Memorial Death March (Mar)
  • Trail Half Marathon (Apr)
  • Bolder Boulder 10K (May)
  • Dexter to Ann Arbor Run Half Marathon (Jun)
  • City to Surf Half Marathon (Aug)
  • USAF Marathon (Sep)
I am currently using low HR, slow speed, training. My next major event is the Bataan Memorial Death March where I am entered as Military Heavy. This works out to a full marathon in military utility uniform, complete with combat boots, and wearing a 50-pound pack, 35-pounds of payload plus water and the pack itself. As I plan to march, not run, this event, the slow pace of the current training is quite event specific.

Today is a rest day and I run a 10K tomorrow morning.

That's it for now.

[Edited 2010-03-28 to add tags, add goal weights, and note marathon completion]
[Edited 2010-06-08 to note half marathon PR]