21 October 2008

Short skiing session

Duration = 20:00
Distance = 1.76
Calories = 275

Wore some old sneakers for this session. No issue with either foot tonight. Blister from last week is mostly healed. One ski seems to have a bit more drag than the other. Time will tell. I hope to get back to running soon.

I expect to take my Fit-to-Fight test for the USAF on the second weekend of November. This consists of a mile-and-a-half run, crunches, push-ups, and a waist measurement. The results are compared to a chart for gender and age to get a score. 75 out of the 100 available is passing.

1 comment:

Margaret B. said...

Wonder if a bearing is going and/or that is a harbinger of the sort of "breaking loose" problem I experienced a few years back.

(I'm annoyed with Blogger. I simply cannot get it to work under Opera. It keeps telling me my cookies are not working, even when I open myself completely wide.)